Apr 11Liked by Billy Praise Adesola

Miiight have made an account just for this comment lol

(Yay Unfall II !!!) I need to check out some of these already. Thank you for the recs!

Btw I don't know if you've listened to the new Me+mad EP (THE GIRL WHO PLAYS WITH BEASTS)....lllllliiike????....whoa... definition of insanely underrated imo.

If not (lucky), I'd highly recommend as a thank you for the great work you've been doing with these posts : https://open.spotify.com/album/1m3V5YYeJ7vJyaWxDIdZRk?si=32qPrzbKSZaWldK6xu0hnA (the MV for big bad dragon's also really fun...well, all their MVs are great...sorry I'll start ranting; discovered them this year and I mayyy be a little awestruck)

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